A merchant bank advising and investing in ​Vietnam’s burgeoning champions

Our unique approach combines global expertise with deep local insight, making us the

partner of choice for navigating Vietnam's dynamic market landscape.


20in20 Partners is a merchant bank focused on Vietnam's rising middle class and the global success of ​Vietnamese products, services and talent.

At 20n20 Partners, we believe in the immense potential of Vietnam to become a Top 20 global ​economy in the next 20 years. Our mission is to become the partner of choice in collaborating with ​founders, families, industry leaders, long-term investors, and other key stakeholders to transform this ​vision into reality.



As capital needs of Vietnamese businesses evolve, we invest ​where we can use our experience, industry knowledge, and ​extensive relationships to create value. We are flexible in deal ​types, including minority and control transactions, and across ​the company life cycle from venture to buyouts.

With extensive experience in capital raising, M&A, and strategic ​advisory, we are able to provide tailored solutions to address ​the unique challenges and opportunities in the Vietnamese ​market, ensuring our clients and partners achieve their ​objectives.


Our team brings together extensive international and on-the-ground Vietnam experience as trusted advisors, ​entrepreneurs, and investors. We have worked with, and as part of, leading global and Vietnamese companies and ​have a track record of leading change, building communities and leveraging our global network to deliver successful ​outcomes for our clients and partners.


Founding Partner


Founding Partner

In Logo Blue Vector
In Logo Blue Vector


For recruiting inquiries: recruiting@20in20partners.com

For all other inquiries: info@20in20partners.com